We had an outdoor activities at FCM autrium where each and everyone of us were divided into 3 different groups to perform a sketch based on Mr Nicky's story regarding about John Walker which had been told earier before leaving the class.
So Group 1 will be performing a sketch on Happy Ending, Group 2 on Funny Ending sketch and last but not the least Group 3 , which is my group will be performing on Malaysian Ending style sketch.
I was the group member for Group 3 and what I had to do was to collect ideas from my group members and combine to yield a sketch.
So, I conducted a quick Brainstorming Techniques for 2minutes on Malaysian style.
Here is the list of ideas that given by my members:
1. ketupat.
4.Instant noodles.
6.wide diversity of culture.
7.Hari raya.

After the brainstorming, I thanked my group member. We select some of the ideas from the brainstorming techinique and a sketch is yielded.
Here is the story,
Once John Walker left the bar, he isolates himself in an unknown Kampung named " Kampung Spicy ". In an instant he baecame a well-known chef in that village as for him specialties in Ketupat and he ways he cooks it.John Walker wipe his sweat using his hand and with de same hand to take the ingredient.Using other hand, he dig his nosetril and put it into his mouth and with the same hand he stratches his neck...